
Friday, May 7, 2010

Busan: Nampodong

4:00 pm. At the international market we could have bought a Louis Vitton for much cheaper than the department store. In the buildings and alleys they sell all sorts of goods: lighting, pots and pans, cloth, clothes, curtains, shoes, etc. You name it, they sell it. Most of it is low quality, but not all.

One of the coolest spots was a shop that sold art supplies. A classical calligraphy brush was over 100000won($100). Watercolors were also available; the prices were comparable with the US.

Another shop had a man who sold wooden plaques with designs that he wood burned onto them. A tiger. Celebrity faces. Whatever you wanted.

Jesse waited in a long line for a sweet fried doughball filled with nuts, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Mom and I had another coke.

After wandering long and hard, we bought a few very cheap ties.

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