
Friday, May 7, 2010

Busan: Jagalchi

3:00 pm. Fish market.  Walking down towards the waterfront is a large fishmarket.  The fishwives stand over baskets of flounder, snapper, eels, crabs, squid, octopus, clams and other types of fish and shellfish, some alive, some dead, while people walk past, most of us just looking.

It was quite interesting to watch the fishmongers prepare eel:  First, fasten the head, make a slit up the abdomen and remove unwanted parts, then slice through the neck and peel the skin off.  They were quite quick.  Their technique was good and they were fast; imagine how many hours they have spent practicing.

A large, square building has more stalls, with fishwives spending their time--when they're not selling anything--cleaning squid or eels.  Upstairs are a series of korean restaurants where they serve sashimi.  Apparently you can select the fish at the market and have it served upstairs.  All we bought were a couple of cokes and some dried squid--squid jerky.

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