
Monday, February 21, 2011

For the Birds

up and at em
dress the kids
mangrove bird hike / tour
first a bus
then a walk
dad looking at everything
nesting herons
army ants
mangroves--only 3 kinds
the guide had to call ahead
we didnt want to miss it
even though we were late
people went their separate ways
tree hunting
I did the washing
just like on the mission
in most ways except that I dont have to rush to get in line
and there are fewer white shirts
before loralee left to town
and the kids went into the pool
where we played canonball
and swimming under water
and I worked on backfloats
I don wanna backstroke
becca cried
and was tense
with her feet in the air
and her hands clutched
in a death grip
on her life vest
by the end of an hour
she had relaxed her hands
and straitened her legs a little
and let her head sit in the water
(I don wanna get my hair wet)
on the second potty run
we stayed out as people started
to arrive back
with some fixings for lunch
peanut butter
after breakfast the children quieted down for
which never happened
except mine
but alex read
and katherine read
and rebecca climbed on me
while loralee napped
drive around the corner
to the river swimming hole
the water was cool
and a little green
nobody worried about crocodiles
until some friendly neighbor
mentioned the 3 sightings in the last week
and we decided that number 4
would not be one of us
back in the car
pool for the kids
hot potato
first laramie
then andrea
then erik and david
while we raced to the sunset
on the beach
halfway down
when we arrived on the sand
until almost dark
the way home lit by firefly flickers
el coco restaurant
expecting dinner
alex was too tired
so the kids and laramie
travelled back early
for a quick dinner of
peanut-butter sandwiches
yep theyre all gone
finally ice cream
everyone in bed quickly after that
and asleep
before the adults returned
as I washed one more load
the chocolate and mint ice cream
was devoured
we'll need more tomorrow

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